Please be advised

The journey you have selected is within 14 days of departing. We cannot confirm your booking through our online booking system as your trip is currently on request. Please click here or call 1-800-387-8890 to discuss your travel plans with one of our dedicated Tour or Cruise Specialists and we will do our best to secure your places.

Please note that final payment will be due on confirmation and a credit card will need to be provided at time of request that will be charged on confirmation. For air inclusive bookings, Craig Travel will attempt to book you on the same flights the rest of the group is travelling on, however air seats have already been released and therefore the cost may vary from the original brochure air price. If your journey requires one of more Visas we will discuss your options for rush Visa processing and any additional costs that may be applicable. Your passport will need to be available for the Visa application process and you may be required to send in your passport and application form(s) via overnight courier at your own expense.

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